What's up man introduce yourselfYOOOO My name is Rene Abalos, better known as NayTron. I'm 25 years young and I represent Head Hunters, Soul Sector and Renegade Rockers I was born in the Philippines but I moved to San Jose, CA and have been B-boying for 11 years now.
From the Bay huh, give us a little northern exposure. How’s it living up there?The BAY has fire that's all I know... There are a lot of nasty crews and individuals out here that need to get out there and start smashin' foo's and there are a lot of up and comers also, so it's a good vibe around the Bizaay, that's rap for Bay.
So its Naytron right, why choose Naytron?Well, I've been collecting Transformers action figures since the 90s and I probably have over 500 now. Anyways, one day on the bus about 10 years ago, Roland (Head Hunters/Battle Born) was like yo, your name should be ReneTron cuz you got hella Transformers. I was like sounds cool and probably a week later we cut my real name out and BAM used Nay instead. NayTron it is, straight to the point Yaaaaa diiiiig ?
Transformers.. yeah I remember those hehe. Why do like ‘em so much?The characters from the Generation 1 Cartoon were too dope man... Their personalities were crazy, especially with their voices But the toys always took it. It was like getting two toys in one, sometimes even three C'mon if you saw a normal truck and Optimus Prime next to each other, which would you get? OPTIMUS PRIME cuz you get a truck AND a robot It's not rocket science kids
Transformers G1 or Animated?Toughy... But of course I'd go for G1... I do wish Animated was still going on though. That could've easily been 2 more seasons... GAAAAAHHH
What can Naytron transform into? I'd probably be a triple changer, an F-22 Raptor, Chevy Corvette Spider and ME
What can you say are your signature moves?Hmmmm, I don't know maybe Naylo's and Megatron 90s. There's more but I don't wanna brag. I have a list somewhere, if someone finds it that person is one lucky son of a witch
Tell us about a break-thru moment in your bboy life.When I learned the foundation of B-boying... It took 3-4 years after I was already breakin' to really learn the basics. So I was already doing mad tricks and style power before I was able to do a six step. HAHA pretty sad but it somehow worked out for me :D
Wow... through bboying where have you traveled to and what was your favorite place?I've been to France, Holland, Tahiti, Mexico, Philippines and all over the USA... Favorite place to go to was the Philippines because the Bboys and Bgirls didn't have much out there. All they had were their friends, music, and the heart to get down, and that in itself was inspiring for me.
Have you ever thought of doing anything else besides bboying?I used to play Basketball and if I wasn't Bboying today I'd probably be playing against Kobe and Lebron in the NBA, no joke... Come and test my J ... Boom Roasted
K, now we’re gonna do 4Your Info. Its when we ask you 4 Questions, 4 AnswersName me 4 songs that gets you hyped:~James Brown - Get on the Good Foot, Superbad, Sex Machine and Give It Up Turn It A Loose.
Who are your 4 favorite Transformers:~Hot Rod (G1)
~Megatron (G1)
~Optimus Prime (G1)
~Depth Charge (BW)
4 Places you like to go to and hang out:~HOME
~It's A Grind Coffee
~driving in my Jeep.
4 things you cant live without:~iPhone
~Macbook Pro
~My Transformers Collection
In a battle Rock, Paper or Scissors?Scissors because I'd be cuttin' you up in pieces
Here’s your final question:If you had one last defining battle, who would it be against and what type of battle?I don't have anyone in mind but the world... I'd like to battle anyone. Each battle is a defining battle against yourself. Treat each battle as if it were your last... PEACE out everyone...
Thank you NayTron it was a pleasure interviewing you.. check back again next Thursday for another Inthurview.